Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Wow the day of love. I can truly say that I have had a wonderful day and have felt relaxed and love. However as my girls get older I miss the goodie bags and valentine's that we did every year. I always thought I loved the school parties more than they did. Tonight I am headed to the symphony. I am excited because I will be trying my hand at tablescaping for the first time. It is exciting to be trying something new. However I am sad because my sweet husband and I will be away from each other for awhile. He is in the local Jazz Orchestra and they are playing a gig. So I will be enjoying an evening alone with good friends and anxiously awaiting the chance to go an see him play. I look forward to showing pictures of the event tomorrow.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have for years struggled with depression. I think that when I get very stressed out my body deals with the stress by shutting down and anything negative or upsetting just makes me want to crawl in the bed under the covers and shut down. I have been in this struggle lately. I often wonder during these times where my God is? I also wonder at these times if I am even good enough to call him "My God"? I know this is true and that God will never leave me or forsake me. What is happening is an attack of faith. God doesn't promise all blue skies and rainbows and what I need to remember is that he will never leave me or forsake me. Like he would never leave or forsake anyone else.