Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Challenge Update

Ok I am one week into my 75 day challenge and thought I would give you a weekly update on my goals:

1. How many books will I read? Five books and daily Bible reads

I have been doing alot of Bible reading and I am right now reading a wonderful book called "Created to be his HELP MEET"

2. How many CD/MP3's wil I listen to?Five a that would be 50 CD/MP3's

I have faithfully listened to, at least, 5 cds (sometimes in one day)

3. How many days will I work out?Ok this is the hard one for me. I will walk on four days a week.

Ok I have NOT done this but I will not give up.

4. How many major ideas will I share?At least ONE every week

I am full ideas and always share them...LOL

5. How many days will I eat right?SIX (6) days a week...ok I need one day of fun right?

Ok I still have some work to do but I am doing better on what I eat.

6. How many meetings will I have with others?At least one meeting of importance every week

Seems like I spend more time in meetings than I care to so I am definately meeting this goal.

7. How much money will you save in the next 75 days?FiftyDollars a week

I have 50 hidden so I have started an emergency fund.

So over all the first week has gone ok. Still work to do but I will keep you posted.

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