Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Friday, November 28, 2008

Blessing Day 3

I didn't get post earlier on Thanksgiving Day but I wanted to keep my blesings going so I could make the 25 days. Today my blessing is my dear children. It is hard being a mom. I make a lot more mistakes right now that I should and I am struggling to let "my little girls" really be the young ladies they have become. Things are hard right now but I will continue to be the mom God wants me to be.

I am blessed with two very diffrent yet equally special young ladies. God is good and I have two Christ loving daughters that love him, each other, and so many others. They are truly a very special blessing.

1 comment:

tammi said...

I need to remind myself of this much more often than I do. It sounds like you and I are in a very similar position. How old are your two girls? Mine are 4 and almost 7 ~ and as different as night and day! Fortunately, they get along really well, so that's definitely a plus for me!!