Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Here are some of the most common resolutions made each January. If you have one of these on your list, then be sure to create a plan as well. For example, if your resolution is to workout more often, then get out your calendar and mark each Tuesday and Thursday with the type of exercise you resolve to do. Resolutions are hollow without a plan!

1. Get Organized
2. Spend more time with Family and Friends
3. Exercise More Often
4. Lose Weight
5. Quit an Addiction (drinking, smoking, etc.)
6. Enjoy Life More
7. Get Out of Debt
8. Learn a New Skill
9. Volunteer More
10. Keep House Clean

I will share my list of resolutions or goals for 2009 tomorrow.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Christmas Card

I love Christmas very much and one of my favorite things to do is send Christmas Cards. Now my friends will tell you that I like to send cards year around but the holidays are extra special. I love seeing my girls and my "fur babies" dressed for the holidays in their yearly picture. However I can't send a card to everyone that reads my "blog" or knows me so I am sharing this special Christmas E-card with you. May God Bless You With a "White Christmas".

Please enjoy this Christmas E-Card from our family:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Party Like It's.....2009?

When I was in high school one of the big songs was the Prince hit....Party Like It's 1999. Then it seemed like forever before 1999 and now here it is about to be ten years later. How come it seems like just yesterday that I was in high school. That is more than 20 years ago. When I think of all the changes in the ten years that have passed since 1999, the UPS and DOWNS of life, I realize I have lived alot in that time yet so little means anything. Right now the only thing that matters is my COMMITTMENT to be the Christian that God wants us to be. It is a struggle. For me it is hard to be under authority and rules. I am so strong willed that I want to speak my mind and do things my way. That is NOT what God intended. Through the messages I am learning in Weigh Down I realize that I need to follow authority and rules. It is hard but I CAN DO IT!!!

So this year I won't part like it 1999 but 2009 and have no regrets about the past and a wonderful outlook on 2009.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree

I LOVE decorating the Christmas Tree. It is so special to me to see all the ornaments the girls have made over the years and ornaments that we collected as a family. This year our tree seems to look very special to me.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Chihuahua Bits! That is the name of a blog that I read but it is also the truth. I have an adorable chihuahua that likes no one but ME!! So he might not be so adorable to others. In fact, Chico is very protective of me. It is has taken him a year just to let our other dog near me and sometimes he doesn't even like that. He also is not very happy with my husband when he tries to be loving to me. My doggie has a place and he thinks it is with me....all the time.

It's Raining....It's Pouring

And oh I wish I was in the bed peacefully snoring. When my girls were smaller they loved nursery rhymes. We spent many hours saying short little poems, singing songs, and endlessly making up little diddys. I miss those days. Today as it looks like Noah might float in at any minute I am reminded of those times. So to my dear daughters I leave this thought:

It's Rain, It;s Pouring
The Old Man is Snoring
He Jumped in Bed
And Bumped His Head
And Couldn't Get Up in the Morning.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Blessing Day 3

I didn't get post earlier on Thanksgiving Day but I wanted to keep my blesings going so I could make the 25 days. Today my blessing is my dear children. It is hard being a mom. I make a lot more mistakes right now that I should and I am struggling to let "my little girls" really be the young ladies they have become. Things are hard right now but I will continue to be the mom God wants me to be.

I am blessed with two very diffrent yet equally special young ladies. God is good and I have two Christ loving daughters that love him, each other, and so many others. They are truly a very special blessing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks and Blessings Day 2

Well this is another beautiful day and the start of my Thanksgiving break. In just a few short hours we are off for one of my favorite family traditions. We always visit my husband's family for Thanksgiving holidays. It is always so awesome see his relatives and watch the kid's interact with their cousins that they don't see very often. As they have gotten older they have had less in common with their cousins, as to be expected, but it is still fun to see how they have all changed.

Which leads me to my blessing. I am so thankful for my husband. Now no one would say we are the picture of domestic bliss but we do love each other and thankfully over 18 years ago God gave me a husband that really was committed to better or worse, richer or poorer. I am so blessed by him.

So the next time he is about to drive me crazy for the 100th time I will read this post and be so grateful for my MARK.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What am I Thankful for

I am thinking alot about the holidays. Only two days till Thanksgiving and one month...yes, you read month from Christmas. So I have decided to post daily about a blessing in my life. That means one month from today I should have a list of twenty-five things that I truly am blessed to have in my life.

Today, I am so thankful that I am a child of God. He took this wretched and unworthy me and gave me a new life in him. I want to live my life as his child and be a light for him. Boy do I fail miserable at that. But with each failure I can start over and know that he loves me and forgives. How awesome.

The Caddy

My husband WON A CAR!!! Not just any car but a cadilliac.......wait it gets is a 1995 Green Cadilliac Sedan DE Ville. So the Hartley's now have what we refer to as the Hoop-ti-mobile. I am loving riding around in my car that makes me at time feel like I am driving my pimp's car and other times feel like a little old lady driving the last car she will ever own. But whatever I feel like it was nice to be blessed with a unexpected surprise.

Mark won the car in a drawing that our local veteran's group was having. He bought one ticket. I had jokingly told the girls for months that "momma's gonna win that car". Little did I really think we would. When they drew my husband's name I was shocked. Our youngest daughter was so upset she promptly asked to walk home. Nice thought...she would rather walk than ride in a car. Now I know what she will be driving at 16. However now we are all getting used to the caddy and it will truly be one of fond family memories when the kids have kids of their own.

Just another reminder that God loves a good joke.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


You would think as someone whose family has a pest control business we would not have a problem with any kind of bug/pests. Well WE DO!!! My beloved dogs, Chico and Lucy, have bought us the pesky little bug....FLEAS. The fleas seem to love driving them crazy, and in the process, everyone in the house also. So like the cobbler whose family has no shoes..we are the bugman whose house has bugs. So why it is the owners of a business with the Bug-B-Gone Gurantee can't get their own bugs gone?

Stay tuned for our flea fighting adventures......

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Me Again

This has been a crazy week. A week full of surprises and blessings that I plan to share with you soon. I have had a full "platter" as I often laughingly say and the last three days have been more full than others. In three days I have...had meetings of two clubs I am President of (I know most people aren't President of one club and I take on two in the same year), served as hostess for a Membership Luncheon for the Symphony League, chaired a girl's pageant, and served as concession coordinator for the Womanless Beauty Review for my daughter's 8th grade trip fund. So now has I sit here typing this I am both exhausted and relieved. I can now focus on my last "big" project of the year and start my decorating for the holidays. I plan on hosting no less than six parties this Christmas season and have lots to do to get ready.

Some people may question my sanity in doing this but I love it. I love being busy. A good nap and I am refreshed. It is one of my greatest strengths and biggest weaknesses. But God made us to serve. While I am far more blessed by what I is my honor to do for others in serving. So with my full platter I become a little more "fruity". I receive the fruits of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and gentleness when I do. So my platter maybe full but so is my life and my heart.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Challenge Update

Ok I am one week into my 75 day challenge and thought I would give you a weekly update on my goals:

1. How many books will I read? Five books and daily Bible reads

I have been doing alot of Bible reading and I am right now reading a wonderful book called "Created to be his HELP MEET"

2. How many CD/MP3's wil I listen to?Five a that would be 50 CD/MP3's

I have faithfully listened to, at least, 5 cds (sometimes in one day)

3. How many days will I work out?Ok this is the hard one for me. I will walk on four days a week.

Ok I have NOT done this but I will not give up.

4. How many major ideas will I share?At least ONE every week

I am full ideas and always share them...LOL

5. How many days will I eat right?SIX (6) days a week...ok I need one day of fun right?

Ok I still have some work to do but I am doing better on what I eat.

6. How many meetings will I have with others?At least one meeting of importance every week

Seems like I spend more time in meetings than I care to so I am definately meeting this goal.

7. How much money will you save in the next 75 days?FiftyDollars a week

I have 50 hidden so I have started an emergency fund.

So over all the first week has gone ok. Still work to do but I will keep you posted.

What is my motive

I heard this comment today and it reall struck me. What is my motive? Why I am doing the things I do. I love listening to Constant Encouragment CD's and lately have found such a joy and peace (two of those fruits I try to have) in really studying God's word. Therefore, I think my motive is to live a life....ALL ABOUT HIM. So while I lament the state of American politics and the ways of the world I know that is not my motive. My motive is ALL ABOUT HIM and that will lead me to the "fruits" this mama desires.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Game On.....the challenge

One of the blogs I read had this challenge on it. I decided to take it for myself and see what I can do. I will get you in blogland updated on my progress.

Here are SIX (6) personal challenges for the next 75 days and my answers to how I will meet each challenge.......

1. How many books will I read?
Five books and daily Bible reads

2. How many CD/MP3's wil I listen to?
Five a that would be 50 CD/MP3's

3. How many days will I work out?
Ok this is the hard one for me. I will walk on four days a week.

4. How many major ideas will I share?
At least ONE every week

5. How many days will I eat right?
SIX (6) days a week...ok I need one day of fun right?

6. How many meetings will I have with others?
At least one meeting of importance every week.

7. How much money will you save in the next 75 days?
Fifty Dollars a week

Do you have a challenge? What will you do in the next 75 days?
Ever have days like this: you've been eaten by a 100-ft shark? We've all had days like that. Shoot, poor Jonah LIVED a day like that! But when you do, just remember God is bigger, mightier and stronger than anything that tries to swallow you whole. The shark can get you in its grip, but God has the shark in His!!

This was taken from a blog that I follow and get such insights from. The message today really hit the nail on the head for me. I feel like I am drowning in choas. Drowning in problems I can't seem to solve. Yet I know MY GOD is bigger. A friend has shared that she is losing faith. I guess we all feel like that at times but I know it is in our lowest points that GOD is really there with us. Month after month I struggle at certain times. I feel sick, depressed, stressed but it never ceases to amaze me that I overcome it. Not because of anything great that I do but because it is part of God's plan.

So I today I maybe in the shark's grip but I can relax knowing that the shark is in GOD's grip.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Why I am a fruitymama

"......but the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullnes, gentleness, and self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23

"..............By this My Father is glorified, that Bear Much Fruit; so you be My disciples."
John 15:8

These two verses explain what I am searching for in my life. I want to be the type of mama that represents these two verses in my life. My daughter's have informed me that fruity is a negative term but I am so old that I never got it. However what it represents to me is a mama that has the Fruits of the Spirit and thru her life bears much fruit. Oh yeah, I like to think it means I am a fun loving, silly mama. So I strive everyday to live these verses out and have a good time doing it.

My Wife Swap Dreams

One of my guilty little pleasures in life is Reality Shows. From Survivor to Project Runway to American Idol I love to watch most all of these shows. Two of my favorites are Wife Swap and Trading Spouses. However I am far from convinced that these two shows deal with much reality at all.

I have often wondered if anyone would want to trade with me. Not much glamour in a wife/spouse that works, does laundry, cooks, cleans, does more laundry, takes care of two teenagers, a husband, two dogs, far to many volunteer projects and does more laundry. Maybe I could be that crazy wife that yells to much or needs to lose weight. As far as "ME TIME" wouldn't it be exciting to watch me take a nap (my favorite thing to do). I am convinced that a rating blockbusters I would not be.

Then I stop and think why would I even want to swap. My job, while not perfect, does allow me flexibility and the chance to carry my dog to work with me. To say I will never give Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray a run for their money, the cooking and cleaning do get done. My children and husband are an absolute joy that I haven't killed...YET. As for the volunteer projects there would be a simple answer to that...say NO.....but the word seems impossible for me to say.

So I think I will keep my own reality. It is better that anyone on tv can imagine. So while the grass may look greener on the other side.....there is still laundry to do.

Friday, October 24, 2008

When a Fruity Mama Goes Rotten

I lost it today. I lost my cool and temper with my family and with it I lost my peace for today. How awesome to know that God forgives us when we lose are cool and temper, and will give me back my peace. However I will keep striving to leave the life that is more of me and live the life that is all of him...our heavenly father God

Things here have been busy and a little stressful to say the least. Mark and I have been working six days a week for about six weeks now, continuing to deal with Ellen's health, doctor's appts/calls, taking care of normal day to day life and finances, and being over committed in to many areas. Well it has caught up with me. I am fried....both physically and emtionally. I need to take my refuge in the Lord.

Today I will spend less time pleasing others and serve with the joy of the Lord. My mission is to be the Child of the King and stay in the teachings. I have in a great CD called There is Only One God that I got from Weigh Down Workshop ( and it is wonderful. I will stay in the word and then I can keep my peace, which leads to keeping my cool and temper.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Through the Looking Glass

It is official I am addicted to blogs and blogging. I love reading about other people's lives and also sharing my life with others. I have always been a nosy and a gossip (at least according to people who know me the best) and blogs allow me to fulfill both of these human flaws. I can learn about people and their lives, as well as, share mine. It is addiction, though harmless, that keeps me consumed with the computer.

I have discovered blogs on adoption, feminist Mormons, depressed moms, new beginnings, and every kind of religious and political blog you could imagine. I am so taken with the honest of some people and the hidden agenda of others. It is a bit like Alice in the Looking Glass. However how honest are blogs. What is going on under the surface. The inside that only you and God know. What is not revealed.

I will never know many of the people in the blogs I read and my readers will never know me. What I do know is their lives help me live a little better and my prayer is that the inside with shine through.

My Brave Ellen

This is my very special daughter, Ellen. A week from today she will turn 14 years old. It is so hard for me to believe how fast time has gone since she was born. Seems like it was just yesterday that she telling me how I was her best friend and she wanted some Mella Mella (Mello Yello) to drink. Now she is more likely to tell me I embarrass her and she can get her own drink. However she is still my baby.

A month ago she was a sick little puppy. She had just been released from the hospital after having a hole in her heart repaired and her heart beat regulated. Today she looks like the girl in the picture. Back at school and cheerleading too. Amazing how quickly kids recover. Just like time it is FAST!!

I am so happy to have such a special daughter.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Wonder of It All

I love religion. I often said that if could go back to school with time and money being no problem I would study religion. I am amazed by the tradition and customs of the many religions, as well as, the beliefs that they hold. Recently, I have been webcasting with a wonderful church called Remnant Fellowship ( They are located in Brentwood, TN. They have many beliefs and traditions that I do not understand but the past fourty days have been spent celebrating the days of awe leading up to the Feast of Harvest. It is based on Moses time spent with God on the mountain and his return. It is also meant to remind us to spend time getting ourselves right with God and then the celebration of his blessings.

I often don't celebrate God's blessings enough. I know I am blessed but I look at all my troubles and not enough at my blessings. It is the human side to us that makes us like that but I need more dependence. I get tired of hearing myself complain but I keep right on. Today I am making a pact..with myself, my God, and my readers. That for the next 24 hours I will not complain. I will disagree calmly if needed but complain I will not do. I will count my blessings and times I feel lead to complain...I WILL COUNT THEM. Then I am sure I will sit back at the Wonder of it All.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beautiful and Blessed

No, I am saying that I am beautiful with the title of my post. Cute or fluffy as my husband made the mistake of saying one time might describe but definitely not beautiful. What is beautiful was this day and I was blessed to experience it. God brings us to a point where we need to be and we can make the choice to be blessed or bummed...always choose the blessing.
God is bringing a new season to our family life. I am saddened that we have been called to leave Thrive Community Church. It is a good church...sadly it was not a good church for us at this time. My girls were not growing....not flourishing in the word. We are like a wolf in that we need to run in packs....and for my two teenagers that means packs of girls. Also Thrive was suffering from growing pains and that meant no youth minister. So we had to find a church where my girls could find their pack. Finding a new church home is hard. We have attended several churches in the last few years and I am discouraged by this. I do not want to be a CHURCH HOPPER however I do want to grow. I am praying that in this season we will find the place for us.
Today we visited Engelwood Baptist Church. It was our second time to attend on a Sunday morning. The preacher is young and energetic. He is preaching an AWESOME series on marriage. Today he preached that the most important issue in a marriage in a personal relationship with GOD. I was pricked. My relationship is lagging. My earnest prayer is a closeness with him that will bring a closeness with my husband. Our next step with Engelwood will be to visit a Sunday School class and the girls to visit youth.
I have no idea what God has in store for us but I do know that God has a plan. I am just to be still and listen. Man what an order for me. More on that tomorrow.