Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Wife Swap Dreams

One of my guilty little pleasures in life is Reality Shows. From Survivor to Project Runway to American Idol I love to watch most all of these shows. Two of my favorites are Wife Swap and Trading Spouses. However I am far from convinced that these two shows deal with much reality at all.

I have often wondered if anyone would want to trade with me. Not much glamour in a wife/spouse that works, does laundry, cooks, cleans, does more laundry, takes care of two teenagers, a husband, two dogs, far to many volunteer projects and does more laundry. Maybe I could be that crazy wife that yells to much or needs to lose weight. As far as "ME TIME" wouldn't it be exciting to watch me take a nap (my favorite thing to do). I am convinced that a rating blockbusters I would not be.

Then I stop and think why would I even want to swap. My job, while not perfect, does allow me flexibility and the chance to carry my dog to work with me. To say I will never give Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray a run for their money, the cooking and cleaning do get done. My children and husband are an absolute joy that I haven't killed...YET. As for the volunteer projects there would be a simple answer to that...say NO.....but the word seems impossible for me to say.

So I think I will keep my own reality. It is better that anyone on tv can imagine. So while the grass may look greener on the other side.....there is still laundry to do.

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