Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Through the Looking Glass

It is official I am addicted to blogs and blogging. I love reading about other people's lives and also sharing my life with others. I have always been a nosy and a gossip (at least according to people who know me the best) and blogs allow me to fulfill both of these human flaws. I can learn about people and their lives, as well as, share mine. It is addiction, though harmless, that keeps me consumed with the computer.

I have discovered blogs on adoption, feminist Mormons, depressed moms, new beginnings, and every kind of religious and political blog you could imagine. I am so taken with the honest of some people and the hidden agenda of others. It is a bit like Alice in the Looking Glass. However how honest are blogs. What is going on under the surface. The inside that only you and God know. What is not revealed.

I will never know many of the people in the blogs I read and my readers will never know me. What I do know is their lives help me live a little better and my prayer is that the inside with shine through.

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