Meet One Fruity Mama

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TN, United States

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year....New Start...New Me-Day 3

With my goal setting for the year I am faithfully reading the Bible everyday. Right now I am focusing on two things-Reading the Bible in a year and reading a chapter of Proverbs a day. Today I read two of my favorite verses:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I really needed to hear (or read) that verse. I often want to control things when God is already in control. Thank you for that reminder.

1 comment:

Linda, the chattering magpie said...

I can relate to the line you wrote, " I try to be in contol when God is already in control". I think we all do that. We want it "our" way not God's way. Great blog! Good luck in reading the bible in a year too